Delegates attentively focused during Dr Ivan Moya's opening keynote presentation
Nikita Ved (BMS poster prize winner) speaking with the PromoCell exhibitor, Andrew Woods.
Anastasia Shchendrygina (Attendee from Moscow) defending her poster to BMS president, Stuart Egginton
Andy Salmon (Invited speaker) gets excited over glycocalyx!
Claire Clarkin (Co-organiser) multi-tasking with lunch and science.
Deep in conversation during the poster session.
Attendees quiz each other on their research.
Alessio Alfieri (Session chair) fields questions from the audience.
Attendee Laura Wilkins explains her poster to Chloe Rose during the poster session.
Poster by Salil Srivastava (Kings College London), wins a BMS Poster Prize
Amy Russell (Bristol) presenting her poster.
Katarzyna Kuliga (Southampton) winner of the Terence Ryan award, defends her poster to Hanna Zielinska.
A fantastic banquet provided by Love to Lunch (
Moor Instruments Trade Exhibition